Cr1.13.160KD.13.151 Wyth halfe a lumpe in latine , Ex vi transitionis ,
Hm.13.160KD.13.151 wyþ half a launpe lyfeHm.13.160: Hm alone reads launpe lyf against laumpe lyne in most B manuscripts. The form lyf would have arisen from lyne misread as lyue and rendered lyfe. yn latyn · ex vi transiscionis
C.13.161KD.13.151 With half a laumpe lyne in latyn · Ex vi transicionis
G.14.161KD.13.151 wyth halfe a loumvngeG.14.161: Kane and Donaldson see the <g> and the <e> of G lovnge as resulting from an alteration by the main scribe. However, though the alteration of <um> to <vng> has been carried out
in the brown ink used by hand1.1 (i.e. the original scribe making later spelling corrections), the final <e>, though dark,
is written in the usual grey-black ink, and thus appears to be original. lyne In laten ex vi transicionis //
O.13.160KD.13.151Wiþ half a laumpe-lyne in latyn ex vi transgressionisO.13.160: OC2 alone have transgressionis in place of transicionis.