M.13.241KD.13.240Fro Mi.........ghelmesse . to Mighelmesse . I fynde hem with myM.13.241:M's original reading without my agreed with BHmGYCLR. The addition of the word brings M into agreement with WCr. Kane and Donaldson's apparatus is misleading:
only the my (not the with) is written above the line. wafres .
Cr1.13.242KD.13.240 From Myghelmas to Mighelmas , I find hem with my wafers
C.13.242KD.13.240 Fro Mighelmesse to Mighelmes · I fynde hem with wafres
O.13.242KD.13.240Fro myȝhel-messe to myȝhel-messe I fynde hemO.13.242: OC2 alone lack wiþ before wafres. wafres
F.10.244KD.13.240Fram Myhelmesse tyl Myhelmesse / þo men trauaile sore.F.10.244: F's b-verse is unique in the B tradition. Bx reads as follows: "I fynde hem wiþ wafres."