Cr1.13.262KD.13.256 To haue grace of god , & no gilt of the Pope
W.13.261KD.13.256 To haue þe grace of god . and no gilt ofW.13.261: W alone reads of; other manuscripts have of þe. pope
C.13.261KD.13.256 To haue the grace of god · and no gilt of the pope
R.13.269KD.13.256 To haue noR.13.269: In place of alpha's no, the beta manuscripts read þe. Cx agrees with beta. grace of
god and no gult of þe pope .R.13.269: The word pope has been
cancelled with a later black horizontal line.
F.10.265KD.13.256To have noF.10.265: Alpha is responsible for no. C and beta manuscripts have þe. grace of god / to gete gryþ of þe pope.