L.13.298KD.13.300 Pore of possessioun in purse · and in coffreL.13.298: LR alone omit boþe after coffre(s). The corrector has marked the omission with a marginal <+>. This is perhaps another instance in which the corrector and original
scribe worked from different exemplars.
Cr1.13.298KD.13.300 Pore of possession in purse and in cofer bothe
C.13.296KD.13.300 Pouere of possessioun in purs · and in coffres bothe
R.13.313KD.13.300 Pore of possession in purs and in coffreR.13.313: Only R
and L end the line with coffre; F omits the entire line and the other beta
copies add boþe at the end. .
[Not found.]