L.13.352KD.13.350 Suche werkes with hem · wasL.13.352: L alone reads was; most other B manuscripts have were. neuere oute of sesoun
Cr1.13.351KD.13.350 Suche werkes wyth hem were neuer out of season
C.13.350KD.13.350 Swich werkes with hym were · neuere oute of sesoun
O.13.349KD.13.350Swiche werkis wiþ hem werenO.13.349: O alone has the form weren; most B manuscripts have were. neuere out of sesoun
F.10.362KD.13.350Swiche werkys with me & hemF.10.362: F's unique reading curiously anticipates the C revision of this passage in moving it from Haukyn's confession to the confession of the deadly sins in the Visio. Bx reads "Swiche werkes with hem . . . ." Cx reads "Such werkes with vs . . . ." / were neuere out of sesoun.