Cr1.13.394KD.13.393 To marchaundein with money , & make her exchaunges
C.13.393KD.13.393 To marchaunden with moneie · and make hir eschaunges
G.14.395KD.13.393 to marchandyeG.14.395: Forms of "marchandie" in -y(e are not recorded as verbs by either the MED or the OED but it seems likely that G's reading reflects the extension of such forms from the noun. Most B manuscripts read marchaunden. wyth money & make þer eschanges
R.13.409KD.13.393 To marchaunden with monoye and maken here
chaunges .R.13.409: Beta reads eschaunges in place of RF's chaunges. Cx agrees with beta.
F.10.404KD.13.393To Marchaunte my meneem[o]nee / or toF.10.404: F uniquely reads or to. Other B manuscripts have and. maken chaungis.F.10.404: Alpha reads chaungis. Beta manuscripts have dissyllabic eschaunges.