Cr1.13.75KD.13.70 Periculum est in falsis fratribus .
C.13.76KD.13.70 Periculum est in falsis fratribus
O.13.76KD.13.70Periculum estO.13.76: OR alone lack in before falsis. falsis fratribus notaO.13.76: This line is written in the right margin. The word nota is accompanied by red and black flourishes at left, right, and bottom.
Et in periculoR.13.70: R uniquely differs from the other B manuscripts in
rendering the opening phrase of this citation as Et in
periculo (cf. beta's Periculum est in). F joins R
in omitting est but otherwise attests the same text as beta.
The C manuscripts divide on this lection, many P copies agreeing with
F while the X family supports beta's reading. falsis fratribus
F.10.68KD.13.70PericulumF.10.68: Alpha is responsible for the omission of beta's est. in falsis fratribus was neuere ȝit no teeme.F.10.68: As he frequently does, F adds a tag to make a full line.