Cr1.13.98KD.13.92 That nether bacon ne browne , blacke mangerbla[n]cke-manger ne mortreux
C.13.99KD.13.92 That nouther bacon ne brawn · blank-mangere ne mortreux
O.13.99KD.13.92O.13.99: In the left margin there appears a cross composed of dots with smaller dots and rays, both in red, interspersed;
like other, similar designs in this manuscript, it is apparently in the main scribal hand.Þat neiþer bakoun ne brawn blankmanger ne mortrewes
R.13.94KD.13.92 Þat noþer bacoun ne braun neR.13.94:
Beta omits ne(2). Among the C copies, the X family
agrees with alpha on its inclusion while the P family agrees with beta in omitting ne(2). blaumanger ne mortrewes .
F.10.92KD.13.92Þat neyþir bakoun ne brawn / neF.10.92: Alpha is responsible for ne which does not appear in beta. blamegeris / ne Mortreus.