Cr1.19.158KD.19.161 Thus came it out þat Christ ouer came , recouered & liued
C.19.156KD.19.161 Thus com it out þat crist ouercam · recouered and lyuede
G.20.156KD.19.161 thysG.20.156: For the G scribe's use of "this" for remaining manuscripts "thus," see note to G.4.76. came ytt owte / þat cryste ouercame / recouvered & lyuved
[Not found.]
F.15.163KD.19.161Þus cam it owt / þat crist ouer-cam / & recurede & levede.F.15.163: R is absent for this passus, so it is impossible to tell whether the loss of two lines here occurred in alpha or
F alone, though since it occurs at the transition between recto and verso, the latter is perhaps slightly more likely. Beta
witnesses read:
Sic oportet Christum pati & intrare &c.
For þat wommen witeþ may noȝt wel be counseille.