Cr1.19.392KD.19.388 In helpe of their heale , once in a monthe
C.19.379KD.19.388 In helpe of hir hele · ones in a monethe
[Not found.]
F.15.395KD.19.388In helpe of here heele / ones in a twelfmoneþ.F.15.395: The F redactor's substitution of "twelfmoneþ" for Bx's "Monþe" perhaps reflects some sense of excess. Eamon Duffy, The Stripping of the Altars: Traditional Religion in England, 1400-1580 (New Haven: Yale U P, 1992), notes that "frequent communion was the prerogative of the few. Lady Margaret Beaufort received
only monthly, and even so was considered something of a prodigy. For most people receiving communion was an annual event
..." (93).