L.3.134KD.3.133 To monkes to mynstallesmynst[r]allesL.3.134: A <+> in the left margin appears to have been partly erased, but the error mynstalles for mynstralles was not corrected. The scribe made the same error at L2.230 where it was also marked for correction, but the correction was
not made. · to meseles in hegges
Cr1.3.135KD.3.133 To monkes & to minstrels to mesels in hedges
C.3.134KD.3.133 Tho monkes to mynstralles · to messels in hegges
F.4.122KD.3.133She takþ MasonysF.2.122: F's reading "She takþ Masonys" is unique. Other manuscripts have "To Monkes." F also uniquely has & twice in place of Bx's to. & Menstralys / & Meselys in heggys.