Cr1.3.164KD.3.162 Wythouten presents or pence she pleaseth ful fewe
C.3.163KD.3.162 With-oute presentz or pens · sche pleiseþ wel fewe
With-owten presentz otherR.3.153:
R's other is unique; the other B witnesses read or. Nevertheless, R's reading may well be original here since it agrees with
the majority of C witnesses, including the best copies from the X
family. pans heR.3.153:
He, "she." pleseth fulR.3.153: R's ful is an alpha
variant shared with F; beta has wel, which agrees with the lection found
in half of the A manuscripts. Most of the other A
copies agree with RF, as does the archetype of the C version.
fewe .