Cr1.3.225KD.3.223 Priestes that preachen the people to good asken mede
W.3.224KD.3.223 ¶ Preestes þat prechen þe peple . to goode . asken Mede W.3.224:nota
C.3.224KD.3.223 Prestes þat preches þe pepyle to goode · asken mede
G.4.224KD.3.223 prestes þat preychen chyldre the poeple G.4.224: Examination of ascenders and descenders and the direction of loops suggests that the scribe picked up "chyldre" from
the previous line. ttoG.4.224: The corrector adds a virgule after poeple in order to separate words. It runs through the original <t> of "to" and an extra <t> has therefore been added. good asken mede
¶ Prestes þat preche þe poeple
to godR.3.214:
Here beta reads gode, but Hm agrees with alpha, specifically with F (= of god). Ax agrees with beta. asken mede .