Readings for line KD.3.33

That he ne worth first auanced · for I am biknowen
That he ne worth furste auauncede for I am biknowen .
That he ne worthe fyrst auaunced for I am biknowen
That he ne worþ first auaunced . for I am biknowen
that he ne wurth ferste auaunced · for y am by-knowen
That he ne worth first auanced · for I am biknowen
that he ne worth furst awauvnced for I am well knoen
Þat he ne worþ first auaunced  for I am biknowen
Þat heR.3.33: Only the two alpha manuscripts here omit ne before the verb. The A version here agrees completely with beta. worth furst vaunsedR.3.33: R's vaunsed is a unique form among the B witnesses but dominates the X family of C. The P family tends to agree with the F/beta reading, auaunced. As would be expected, MED, s. v. vauncen, categorizes vaunsed as a clipped form derived from the verb avauncen. Citations for this form are mostly from the fifteenth century (but the passage from manuscript R is also cited as well as one from Robert Manning).  for ich am by-knowe .
Þat he worþF.4.34: Bx reads "That he ne worþ first auaunced . . . ." The negative was omitted in alpha. first a-vauncyd / for y am wel be-knowe.