L.5.134KD.5.133 To lye and to loure on my neighbore · and to lakke his chaffare
M.5.134KD.5.133To lie and loure on— —M.5.134: The scribe's repetition loure on to loure on has been corrected by erasure of the first two words. The reading without to agreed with HmCr23. to loure on my neiȝgbore . and to lakke his chaffare
Cr1.5.132KD.5.133 To lie & to lour on mi neighbour , & to lak his chaffer
W.5.133KD.5.133 To lye and to loure on my neȝebore . and to lakke his chaffare
C.5.134KD.5.133 To lee and to loure on my neghbour · and lakke his chaffare
R.5.134KD.5.133 To lye and to loure on my neyȝbore and to lakken his
R's ware is the alpha reading; cf. beta's chaffare. .
F.5.133KD.5.133To lyȝe & to lowre on hym / & to lakkyn his ware.F.5.133: The alpha scribe picked up ware from two lines above. Beta preserves correct chaffare.