Cr1.5.17KD.5.17 In ensample the segges ye should done the better
C.5.17KD.5.17 In ensample ye segges · ye sholden do þe better
And is an alpha variant (cf. F's somewhat different rendering of this
line), but it is not present in the beta manuscripts, nor is it attested in the manuscripts
of the other versions at this point. in ensaumple ȝee segges ȝee
schulden do þe bettere .
F.5.18KD.5.17& al þese was ensample / þat we sholde doon þe bettre.F.5.18: There is considerable variation among B manuscripts for this verse. Bx probably read "In ensample ye segges ye sholden do þe bettre." Note that this verse appears after 5.14 in Bx.