Cr1.5.197KD.5.195.1 Al totorne and bawdie and ful of lyce crepinge
C.5.199KD.5.195.1 Al to-torne an baudy · and ful of lis crepyng
O.5.198KD.5.195.1Al to-torn & baudy & ful of lijs crepyngeO.5.198: Kane and Donaldson (193) conjecturally exclude this line on grounds of "prosiness and verbosity" as well as its failure
to alliterate.
F.5.197KD.5.195.1Al to-tore & bawhdy / & lappe syȝd / it semede.F.5.197: This line fails in alliteration in all B manuscripts, and Kane-Donaldson reject it as spurious (p. 193). F's b-verse reading is unique, most B manuscripts reading "and ful of lys crepyng." We are uncertain what lappe syȝd means, though it is possibly an early occurrence of "lopsided."