L.5.216KD.5.212 Tyl ten ȝerdes or twelue · tolledL.5.216: LM are joined by alpha manuscripts RF in reading tolled; other B witnesses have hadde(n) tolled. out threttene
Cr1.5.214KD.5.212 Til ten yardes or twelue had tolled owte .xiii.thirtene
C.5.216KD.5.212 Til ten yerdes or twelue · had tolled out thrittene
G.6.216KD.5.212 tyll .xen.ten yerdes or .xijffe.twelffe had told owte thyrtene
O.5.215KD.5.212Til ten ȝerdis or twelue hadde toldO.5.215: OC2 alone have hadde told; variants include tolled (LMRF), hadden tollid (B), and hadden tolde (Hm). out þrittene
F.5.214KD.5.212Tyl teen ȝerdis or twelue / tollydF.5.214: An otiose curl appears over <t>. out thrittene.