L.5.258KD.5.253 Þat payed neuere for his prentishode · nouȝte a peire gloues
M.5.258KD.5.253Þat paiede neuere for his prentishode . nouȝte a paire gloues .
Cr1.5.256KD.5.253 That paied not for his prentishode one paire of glouis
W.5.257KD.5.253 That payed neuere for his prentishode . noȝt a peire gloues
C.5.258KD.5.253 Þat paied neuere for hir prentishode · nat a paire of gloues
[Not found.]
R.5.259KD.5.253 Þat payed neuere for his prentishode
nauȝt a peyre gloues .
F.5.256KD.5.253Þat peyȝede neuere for his prentyȝshod / not a peyȝre clovis[g]lovis.F.5.256: F's clovis is unique, and all other manuscripts have gloues. Though cloves were paid for rents [see MED s.v. clove n.(2),2(b)], this instance is more likely to represent simple error than conscious revision.