M.5.338KD.5.325Two risen vp in rape and rounenM.5.338: All other B manuscripts have the verb in the past tense. tog.idres
Cr1.5.334KD.5.325 Two rysen vp in rape , and rouned togythers
C.5.339KD.5.325 ¶ Two risen vp in rape and rowned togideres
¶ ÞoR.5.340:R and Bm are the only witnesses in the B
tradition beginning this line with Þo (= not the common adverb but rather
the plural demonstrative pronoun, equivalent to Modern English, "Those." See Kane,
Glossary, pp. 207-8). The other beta copies all attest Two
while F begins the line with Þan. The P family of C
is joined by manuscripts Uc and Dc in support of the beta reading, but manuscripts X, I and
P2 (probably reflecting the X subarchetype) agree with R and Bm in reading Þo. The A archetype also supports the RBm variant. Presumably R
attests this reading by descent from alpha while Bm has it through correction, perhaps from
the C exemplar used for its opening passus. Schmidt is probably correct
in hypothesizing (II, 353) that Bx actually spelled Þo in this line as To, thus inviting the common subsequent scribal
error of Two.
risen inR.5.340: R uniquely omits a word from this phrase. Beta reads risen vp in while F has ryse þey ful. The reading of
beta is also found in many A manuscripts and is clearly archetypal in
that tradition; among the C witnesses, the P family mostly agrees with R
(omitting vp from the phrase) while the X family attests its presence.
However, many C manuscripts in both families omit in. rape and rowned to-gyderes .