Cr1.5.339KD.5.331 Hycke the hosteler hadde the cloke
C.5.344KD.5.330.1 For to trie þis chaffare bitwixen hem thre
C.5.345KD.5.331 ¶ Hikke þe hostiler hadde þe clook
O.5.344KD.5.330.1For to trye þis chaffare bitwixen hem þreO.5.344: Kane and Donaldson (224) exclude this line, which occurs only in Cr23YOC2CBHt, on the grounds that it is scribal.
¶¶ Hikke þe hostelere
hadde þe cloke . In the right margin, a note was written horizontally here,
covering three lines, but was later scraped. It appears to be in the same hand (later than
that of the scribe) as a number of other erased notes, such as that found on fol.