M.5.45KD.5.43And dothe it in dede it shal drawe ȝyow to goode .
Cr1.5.45KD.5.43 And do it in dede , it shal drawe you to good ,
C.5.45KD.5.43 And do it in dede · it shal drawe yow to goode
G.6.45KD.5.43 and dothe ytt In dede ytt shall drawe you to good G.6.45:
The G scribe normally distinguishes between god="god" and good="good." See Introduction III.2.
F.5.43KD.5.43& doþ it sadly in dede / & ȝee shulle drawe to goode.
F.5.44KD.5.43.1& ellis wille þe peple parle / in ȝoure parshȝ a-bowhte.F.5.44: This line occurs only in F.