L.5.443KD.5.432 I namL.5.443: LMO read nam. All other B witnesses have am. nouȝte lured with loue · but þere ligge auȝte vnder þe thombe
M.5.444KD.5.432I nam nouȝte lured with loue but þere ligge auȝt vndur þe thombe
Cr1.5.439KD.5.432 I am not lured with loue , but ought be vnder þe thombe
W.5.441KD.5.432 I am noȝt lured wiþ loue . but þer ligge auȝt vnder þe þombe
Hm.5.444KD.5.432 ...?...?...y am nat lured wiþ loue · but ougth lygge vndyr the thombe ·
C.5.444KD.5.432 I am nouȝt leired with loue · but auȝt be vnder þe þombe
G.6.441KD.5.432 I am noght leyred wyth louve but oght lygge vndre þe thombe
O.5.445KD.5.432I namO.5.445: OLM alone have nam in place of am. not leredO.5.445: YGOC2 alone have lered; most B manuscripts have lured. wiþ loue but if ouȝt lye vnder þe þumbeO.5.445: A cross appears in the left margin, in a hand which, although not identifiable with certainty, resembles hand 3.
It may represent an attempt by a corrector to point out the error of lered for lured.
R.5.445KD.5.432 I am nauȝt lured with loue but þere ligge auȝt
vnder thoumbeR.5.445:
Here the beta manuscripts have a determiner, making the phrase þe thombe.
This discrepancy is also apparent in the two major families of C: the P
family here agrees with alpha and the X family supports beta. .
F.5.441KD.5.432For y am nowht lured with love / but sumwhat lygge vndir þumbe.