L.5.459KD.5.447 For is no gult here so grete · þat his goodnesse nysL.5.459: LMW alone have nys. All other B manuscripts read is. more
M.5.460KD.5.447For is non gulte here so grete þat his godnesse ..nysM.5.460: The rewritten nys brings M into agreement with WL. Other B manuscripts have is. more .
Cr1.5.455KD.5.447 For is no gylte here so greate but þat hys goodnes is more
C.5.460KD.5.447 For is no gilt here so grete · þat is goodnesse is more
F.5.457KD.5.447For þere is no gilte here so gret / þat goddis goodnesse is more.