L.5.629KD.5.607 In a cheyne of charyte · as þow a clildec[h]ildeL.5.629: The form is ambiguous. What we have transcribed as clilde was transcribed by Kane and Donaldson as chlde. The <+> in the right margin marks the error for correction. were
M.5.630KD.5.607In a Chei..ereM.5.630: Most B manuscripts here read cheyne. The altered reading of M agrees with Cr3Bm. of charitee as þow a Childe were .
Cr1.5.624KD.5.607 In a cheyne of charytie as thou a childe were
C.5.625KD.5.607 In a cheyne of charite · as þow a childe were