Cr1.6.119KD.6.116 And holpen erie his halfe acre wyth hey trolly lolly
W.6.119KD.6.116 And holpen ere þisW.6.119: W alone reads þis. Other B manuscripts have his. half acre . wiþ how trolly lolly
C.6.117KD.6.116 An holpen herie his half acre · with how trolly lolly
R.6.118KD.6.116 And hoR.6.118:
ho, "they." See MED, s. v.
he pron.(3). helpen to eryeR.6.118: Only G agrees with R's assignment of present
tense to this verb; only F agrees with R's inclusion of to after the verb.
Beta reads hulpen (cf. F's hulpen). R's ho is unique error. his half acre with how trolly lolly .
F.5.770KD.6.116.1Þat þey fillyn flat on þe floor / so feyþfully þey swonke.F.5.770: This line appears only in F.