L.6.139KD.6.136 But if he be blynde andL.6.139: L uniquely has and. Other B witnesses have or. broke-legged · or bolted with yrnes
M.6.139KD.6.136But ȝif he be blinde ...orM.6.139: M's altered reading or agrees with most B manuscripts. L reads and. broke-leggud . or boltede with yrnes
Cr1.6.139KD.6.136 But if ye be blind or brokenleggid , or bolted with yrons ,
C.6.137KD.6.136 But if he be blynde or broke legged · or bolted wiþ Irenes
R.6.138KD.6.136 But if he blyndeR.6.138:
R's omission of the verb here is unique; cf. F's he þat is blynd and
beta's he be blynde. or brokelegged or bolted with yrenes
. .
F.5.790KD.6.136¶ But he þat is blynd / or broke-leggyd / or boltyd with yrenys.