L.6.21KD.6.20 Helpith hym to worche wiȝtliche · þat wynneth ȝowre fode
M.6.21KD.6.20Helpeth hym to worche witȝly . þat wynneth .yowre fode
Cr1.6.21KD.6.20 Helpe him to worke wightly that winneth your fode
W.6.21KD.6.20 Helpeþ hym to werche wiȝtliche . þat wynneþ youre foode
C.6.19KD.6.20 Helpes hym to wyrche wiȝthly · þat wynnes youre foode
G.7.21KD.6.20 helpe theym to worke wyghtlyche þat wynnen your foode
O.6.21KD.6.20Helpeþ hym to worche wyȝtliche þat wynneþ ȝoure fodeO.6.21: The word fode is written in a different ink, possibly over an erasure; the supralinear <e> is written above a faded <e>.
R.6.21KD.6.20 Helpeth hym to werche wyȝtliche þat wynneth
ȝoure fode .
F.5.673KD.6.20Shulle helpe to wirche wyghtly / to wynne with ȝoure fode.