Readings for line KD.6.218

And if þow fynde any freke · þat fortune hath appeyred
And ȝif þow fynde any freke . þat fortune hath appairede
And if thou find any Freke þat fortune hath apaired
And if þow fynde any freke . þat Fortune haþ apeired
And ȝif thu fynde any freke that fortune hath apeyryd
And if þow fynde any freek · þat fortune has appaired
and yff þou fynd any freyke þat fortuvne hath apayred
And if þou fynde any freek  þat fortune haþ appeyrid
AcR.6.220: Both F and beta have And, which is also the reading of seven A and of seven C copies; R's Ac is probably archetypal in the C version but may not be original in A. if þow fynde any freke  þat falshedR.6.220: R's falshed is unique; cf. F's False and beta's fortune. The Ax reading is fortune, but the Cx variant, in a slightly revised line, is fals men. hath apayred .
& if þou fyȝnde ony freek / þat FalseF.5.870: R reads falshed, suggesting that F's reading is owed to alpha. Beta witnesses read Fortune, as did A. C, however, has fals men. haþ a-sayȝed.F.5.870: F's reading is unique. Bx reads apeired.