L.6.232KD.6.227 And if þow wilL.6.232: L uniquely has wil; other B manuscripts have wilt. be graciouse to god · do as þe gospel techeth
M.6.232KD.6.227And ȝif þow wilte be graciou.s to god . do as þe gospul techeþ
Cr1.6.231KD.6.227 If þou wilt be gracious to do good as þe gospel techith
W.6.232KD.6.227 ¶ And if þow wilt be gracious to god . do as þe gospel techeþ
Hm.6.231KD.6.227 ¶ And ȝif thu wolte be gracyous to god · do as the gospel techeth ·
C.6.228KD.6.227 ¶ And if þou wilt be gracious to god · do as þe gospel teches
G.7.232KD.6.227 & yff þou wylt be gracyouvs to god do as the gospell teychythe
O.6.233KD.6.227AcO.6.233: O alone has Ac in place of And. if þou wilt be gracious to goO.6.233: A solidus/punctus above go, accompanied by a caret/punctus in the right margin, indicate deletion, but no substitute is supplied. The error is shared
by Cr3C2. do as þe gospel techiþ
R.6.230KD.6.227 And if þow beR.6.230:
R uniquely omits the modal wilt before be.
gracious to god do as þe gospel techeth .