to pay preestly is nothing for they be all receyversM.6.96: An example of the marginal commentator's anticlericalism?
M.6.96KD.6.93I paiede him fulM.6.96: M's reading him ful is unattested in other B manuscripts. W reads it ful; most other B manuscripts read it hym. prestly . for peril of my soule
Cr1.6.96KD.6.93 I payde it hym prestlie for peryle of my soule
W.6.96KD.6.93 I paide it fulW.6.96: W alone reads it ful. M has him ful, and most other B manuscripts have it hym. prestly . for peril of my soule
C.6.94KD.6.93 I payed it hym prestly · for peril of my saule
F.5.746KD.6.93&& [y] peyȝede it trewly to þe preest / for pereil of my soule.