L.8.125KD.8.129 Here is wille wolde ywyteL.8.125: LMR alone have ywyte. Other B manuscripts have wite. · ȝif witte couthe teche hym
will ...?...M.8.125: This erasure is illegible even under an ultraviolet lamp.
M.8.125KD.8.129Here is . will . wolde y-wyte ȝif wit.. couthe teche hym .
Cr1.8.125KD.8.129 Here is wyl wolde witte , if witte coude teche hym
C.8.123KD.8.129 Here is wille wolde wite · if wit kouthe teche hym
G.9.125KD.8.129 there ys wyll wold wytt / yff wytt couvde hym teycheG.9.125: G's reading, hym teyche, which is adopted by Kane and Donaldson, provides a metrically more satisfactory b-verse than the majority B reading teche hym (though see Duggan, "Notes on the Metre").
Beta reads Here is wille. F rewrites the line. Ax agrees completely with beta. The C version of the
line is slightly revised, but the syntax is the same as beta's and includes is. wille wolde I-witt if wit coude
teche hym .
F.6.122KD.8.129Fayn wolde y wete witt / If þou cowdist me telle.F.6.122: Bx reads here: "Here is wil wolde wite if wit koude teche hym."