L.8.42KD.8.41 Þe bote is likned to owre body · þat brutel is of kynde
M.8.42KD.8.41Þe boot is likkened to oure body þat brutel is of kynde
Cr1.8.42KD.8.41 The boote is likened to our body , þat brotil is of kynd
W.8.42KD.8.41 The boot is likned to oure body . þat brotel is of kynde W.8.42:nota
Hm.8.41KD.8.41 the bote is lyknyd to our body · þat brotel is of kynde
C.8.42KD.8.41 the bote is likned to oure bodyes · þat brotel is of kynde
G.9.42KD.8.41 þe bootteG.9.42: For the alteration of boote to bootte, see note to G.9.30. ys lykened to our bodye þat brytyll ys off kynde
O.8.40KD.8.41Þe boot is likned to oure body þat brotel is of kynde
R.8.38KD.8.41 Þe bot is likned to oure body þat brutel is of kende .
F.6.37KD.8.41Þe boot y lykne to oure bodijs / þat brotyl is of kyȝnde.