Readings for line KD.8.51

God wole suffre wel þi sleuthe · ȝif þi-self lyketh
God w...?...ole suffre wel þ..y sleuthe  ȝif þ..y-seluen likeþ
God wyll suffer wel thy slouth , if thy-selfe lyketh
God wole suffre wel þi sleuþe . if þi-self likeþ
god woll suffre thy soule · ȝif þy-sylfeHm.8.50: The final <e> has been partially erased. lyketh
God wol suffre wel þy slouþe · if þy-selue likes
god wyll suffer well þi slought yff þi-seluve lykethe
God wole suffre wel þi slouþe  if þi-self likeþ
God wil suffre wel þi soule  ȝif þi-selue liketh .
But god wille þou save þi sowleF.6.47: F's a-verse is unique, and the agreement of FHmR in reading sowle in place of the other beta manuscripts' reading sleuþe makes it difficult to determine the archetypal reading. It is likely to have read "God wole suffre wel þi sowle (or sleuþe)." / þyf[ȝ]ifF.6.47: Though Norman Davis notes that isolated cases of scribal confusion of <þ> and <ȝ> occur occasionally elsewhere, the examples he cites are mainly from East Anglian texts. "A Scribal Problem in the Paston Letters," English and Germanic Studies 4 (1951-1952): 39. It is perhaps equally possible that this form represents the scribe's effort at the Worcester form yef or yif. þi-selue lyke.F.6.47: F revises this line radically. Bx reads "God wole suffre wel þi sleuþe if þiself likeþ." Alpha must have had soule in place of sleuþe, and later F revised "suffre wel" to "þou save" in an attempt to salvage some sense.