M.P.141KD.P.141Dum rex a regere . dicatur nomen habereM.P.141: Kane and Donaldson record this line as being written in the margin. This line, however, is written in the main text
area, although the following three are added in the margin.
Cr1.P.141KD.P.141 Dum Rex a regere , dicatur nomen habere ,
C.P.140KD.P.141 Cum rex a regere dicatur nomen habere
O.P.141KD.P.141CumO.P.141: YOC2C alone have Cum in place of Dum. rex a regere dicatur nomen habere
Dum rex a regere dicatur nomen
habere . In both of these cases, the red boxing has
been heavily rubbed.