Cr1.P.160KD.P.160 I haue sene segges , quod he , in the city of London
C.P.159KD.P.160 I haue seyn segthisseg[g]es quod he · In the Cite of londoun
G.1.160KD.P.160 I hauve senvese[n]e G.1.160: The form of the alteration from sene to seve is unusual and it is possible that the corrector realised his mistake and tried to remedy it. seggys quodh he In the cyte off london
I haue I-seyne segges quod hee in þe citee of london .
F.1.153KD.P.160I have herd ofF.1.153: F's "herd of" is unique. Beta witnesses have "yseyen." seggis quod he in þe Cyte of Lundoun.