Cr1.P.174KD.P.175 Al this rowt of Rattons to this reason they assented
C.P.174KD.P.175 ¶ Alle this route of ratons · to this reson thay assented.
O.P.175KD.P.175 ¶ Al þis route of ratounes to þis resoun assentedenO.P.175: O alone has the form assenteden in place of assented.
¶ Alle þe route of þeR.P.48:
The second þe in this line is R's unique addition. The first þe is an alpha variant (beta has þis). The C
manuscripts are divided on this reading, a majority of the X family agreeing with beta, while
a majority of the P family agrees with alpha. ratones to þis
resoun þei assented .
F.1.166KD.P.175Þanne alle þeF.1.166: Alpha is responsible for þe. Beta witnesses have þis. rowhte of Ratonys / to þis resoun assentid.