M.P.178KD.P.178Þat durste haue bonden þe bieȝM.P.178: M shares bie with Hm. Other B manuscripts have belle. a-boute þe cattus nekke .
Cr1.P.177KD.P.178 That durst bynd the bel aboute þe cats necke
Hm.P.175KD.P.178 that durste aHm.P.175: HmF's unique reading a is an unstressed form of haue, the reading of the other B manuscripts. bounden the beyȝe a-boute the kattys nekke
C.P.177KD.P.178 that dorste haue ybonden the belle · aboute þe cattes nekke
Þat durste haue I-bounde
þe belle aboute þe cattes nekke .