L.P.23KD.P.23 And some putten hem to pruyde apparailed hem þere-after
M.P.23KD.P.23And summe putten hem to pruyde apparailled hem ..þer-aft..rraft..erM.P.23: The scribe usually wrote aftur, and the corrector occasionally alters to after, e.g. at M1.70. Here he miscorrects. .
Cr1.P.23KD.P.23 And some put hem to pryde apparelde thereafter
W.P.23KD.P.23 ¶ And somme putten hem to pride . apparailed hem þer-after .
Hm.P.22KD.P.23 and summe putten hem to pryde · apparayleden hem there-after
C.P.23KD.P.23 ¶ An som putten hem to pride · apparailed hem ther-after
G.1.23KD.P.23 some puvtten theym to pryde & appareledG.1.23: Though not recorded as a G variant by Kane and Donaldson, the ampersand is definitely present, bringing G's reading
into line with that of F and H. See George Kane and E. Talbot Donaldson, eds, Piers Plowman. The B Version: Will's Visions of Piers Plowman, Do-Well, Do-Better and Do-Best. An Edition in the Form of
Trinity College Cambridge MS B.15.17, Corrected and Restored from the Known Evidence, with Variant Readings, rev. ed. (London: Athlone Press; Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1988). No other B manuscripts read & appareled (all lack "and"). theym therafter
O.P.23KD.P.23 ¶ And summe putten hem to pride apparayleden hem þer-after
[Not found.]
F.1.21KD.P.23& summe pitte hem to pride / & a-parayled hem þer-after