Cr1.11.107KD.11.106 Neyther for loue laude it not , ne lacke it for enuye
W.11.108KD.11.106 Neiþer for loue preiseW.11.108: W alone reads preise; most other B manuscripts have laude. it noȝt . ne lakke it for enuye W.11.108:nota
C.11.108KD.11.106 Nether for loue laude it nouȝt ne lakke it for enuye
R.11.104KD.11.106 Neither for loue lakkeR.11.104: R's first use of lakke in this line is unique; the
majority of the beta manuscripts read laude and F, typically, rewrites the
a-verse. The C line is virtually unchanged, but the verb phrase in
question appears as labbe it out. it nouȝt ne lakke
it for enuye .