Cr1.11.131KD.11.128 Wythouten leue of hys Lorde , no lawe wil it graunt
C.11.132KD.11.128 With-outen leue of his lord · no lawe wol it graunte
G.12.133KD.11.128 wyth-owte leyuve off hys lord / n.oG.12.133: A single letter appears to have been erased here and replaced by no. It is impossible to tell what the original letter was, but a tail is faintly visible. The virgule was probably added at
the time of the correction and it acts as a word separator, but its position in the line suggests that it may also have metrical
significance. lawe wyll ytt grauvnte
R.11.129KD.11.128 With-outen leue of his lorde
neR.11.129: R's ne is unique; both Bx and Cx read no. lawe wile it graunte