Readings for line KD.14.102

Whether paciente pouerte quod haukyn · be more plesaunte to owre driȝte
Whether paciencetM.14.112: M's original reading agreed with HmGYC2CBRF. pouerte quod haukyn . be more plesaunt to oure driȝte .
Wher patient porti quod Hankin be mor plesant to our dright
Wheiþer paciente pouerte quod Haukyn . be moore plesaunt to oure driȝteW.14.110: The word has been cropped after <d>. Most B manuscripts read driȝte or driȝten, but CB have sight, C2 has saueoure, and GR have lorde.
Wheþer pacyence or pouerte quod haukyn · be more plesaunt to our drygth
Wheither pacience pouerte quod haukyn · be more pleasaunt to oure sight
whether pacyence pouerte quod haukyn be more plesant to our lordeG.15.110: In the case of G, the G R variant lorde (for most manuscripts driȝte) may reflect the manuscript's late date: according to the OED, the word dright(en was no longer used after the end of the fifteenth century.
Wheþer paciente pouerte quod haukyn  be more plesaunt to oure driȝtenO.14.110: O alone has the form driȝten; variants include d (cropped, W), sight (CB), lorde (GR), saueoure (C2), and driȝte (LHmCrYM).
¶ Whether pacience and pouerteR.14.112: Most of the beta manuscripts render this phrase as paciente pouerte or pacience pouerte. In C, the phrase becomes pouerte and pacience. quod haukyn  be more plesant to oure lord .R.14.112: Many beta manuscripts (and presumably Bx) read driȝte(n) for R's bland lord; F has god more as the end of the line; R's reading is in agreement only with G, presumably by convergence. The C revision abandons beta's archaic driȝte(n) in favor of god almyhty
Wheyþir paciense & pouerteF.10.581: Alpha and C read "paciense & pouerte." Beta manuscripts have "paciente (or pacience) pouerte." quod haukyn / be plesant to god more.