L.14.116KD.14.107 Whan itL.14.116: LR alone read it; most other B manuscripts have he. drow to his deth-day · þat he ne dred hym sore
Cr1.14.116KD.14.107 When he drough to his dethes day , þat he ne drad him sore
C.14.114KD.14.107 Whan he droue to his deth day ˜ þat he ne dred hym sore
R.14.117KD.14.107 Whan itR.14.117: R's sole partner in reading it is L; F
reads &. The majority beta reading is he. In a
partially revised line, the C version also attests he
at this point. drouȝ to his deth day þat he ne dradde hym sore