L.14.153KD.14.142 Riȝt as a seruaunt taketh his salarye bifore · & sitth wolde clayme more
M.14.154KD.14.142Right as a seruaunt taketh his salarie bifore . and sith wold cl.ayme more
Cr1.14.154KD.14.142 Right as a seruant taketh his salary before , & sith wold claim more
W.14.152KD.14.142 Riȝt soW.14.152: W alone reads so; other manuscripts omit it. as a seruaunt takeþ his salarie bifore . & siþþe wolde clayme moore
Hm.14.152KD.14.142 rigth as a seruaunt taketh · his salarye beforeHm.14.152: HmR both divide what amounts to a single line in most B witnesses after before. F is the only other manuscript to divide the line, but it does so eccentrically. ·
C.14.152KD.14.142 Riȝt as a seruant takes his hire ˜ bifore and after walde clayme more
G.15.151KD.14.142 ryght as a seruvant takethe hys salarye before / & sythen wold cleym moreG.15.151: The line wraps round and the last two words are written below it and boxed in grey.
O.14.152KD.14.142Riȝt as a seruaunt takiþ his salerie bifore & siþ wolde cleyme more
R.14.155KD.14.142 Riȝt as a seruaunt taketh his salarie by-fore . Alpha divides a Bx line here into two
R.14.156KD.14.142 And sithe wald clayme huireR.14.156: R's huire is an alpha reading (cf. F's his
heere eft-soones); beta shows more.
F.10.622KD.14.142Ryght as a seruaunt takeþ / his sallarie be-fore his terme. Alpha has two lines for beta's one.