Readings for line KD.14.93

Þere contricioun doth but dryueth it doun · in-to a venial synne
Ther contricioun doth but dryueth dounM.14.103: Only M and Cr omit it before doun. . in-to a venial synne
Ther contrition doth driue downe into veniall synne
Ther contricion dooþ but dryueþ it doun . in-to a venial synne
ther contrycyoun doiþ but dryueth it doun · ynto a venyal synne ·
Ther contricioun does but dryues it · in-to a venial synne
there contrycyon dothe but dryuve ytt to a deadlyvenyall synne
Þer contricioun dooþ . but dryueþ it doun  in-to a venyal synne
Þere contriciounR.14.103: Here the R scribe uses two separate bars for expanding the final affix, one over the <c> and another over the <u>; the second of these is partially obscured by the red boxing above. What this instance indicates by inference, however, is that his intended spelling (when the bar covers only his <c> or his <o>) is -cion, and that the only warrant for expanding to -cioun is a bar extending beyond the <o> of this syllable. These conclusions are confirmed by the scribe's overwhelming preference for -cion forms when he spells them out fully. doth but driueth it doun  in-to a venial synne .
Þere Contricioun ne doþ / but dryveþ it doun / inin[to] a venyal synne.