Cr1.15.116KD.15.112 That were besnewed with snowe and snakes within
Hm.15.116KD.15.112 þat were bysnewyd wyth snowe · and snakes wyþ-ynneHm.15.116: HmCGB omit the following line, here given in the spelling of L: Or to a wal þat were whitlymed and were foule wyth-inne.
C.15.114KD.15.112 That war bisnewed with snaw · and snakes with-Inne
G.16.117KD.15.112 that were bysnowed wyth snowe & snakes wythynne G.16.117: G Hm C B omit a line at this point ("Or to a wal þat were whitlymed · and were foule wyth-inne").