L.15.173KD.15.162α ItIt[a]L.15.173: Although it is possible that L wrote Ic with an ill-formed <c> in error for the probably correct reading Hic (attested by alpha and M), it is more likely to be It in error for Ita (attested by BCC2GOY). in enigmate tunc facie ad faciem
M.15.169KD.15.162αHicM.15.169: M's Hic agrees with RF; other B manuscripts read Ita, It, or omit. in enigmate tunc facie ad faciem .
Cr1.15.167KD.15.162α In enigmate , tunc facie ad faciem ,
C.15.164KD.15.162α Ita in enigmate tunc facie ad faciem ·
O.15.167KD.15.162αIta in enigmate . tunc facie ad faciemO.15.167: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after facie, and a red parasign precedes the second line of text.