Cr1.15.296KD.15.293 Some they sold & some they soth , & so they liued both
C.15.294KD.15.293 Some thay shalde · and som thei sethed · and so þei leued bothe
O.15.298KD.15.293Sum þei soldenO.15.298: OC2 alone have the form solden in place of solde. & sum þei soþen & so þei lyueden boþe
R.15.322KD.15.293 Somme þei solde and somme þei eetenR.15.322: Alpha's eeten is an easier replacement for the correctly
alliterating sothe(n) found in the best beta manuscripts. Cf. R.15.468:. The C version
incorporates this same line, but the lemma in question shows a wide range of attested
readings among C witnesses. & so þei lyued bothe
F.11.309KD.15.293& summe þei solden & summe þei eetynF.11.309: Alpha's eetyn replaces soden, "seethed," which appears in beta manuscripts. / & so lyveden boþe.