L.16.44KD.16.43 L.16.44-46: These three lines are written in the space for two by the original scribe over an erasure; nothing shows under
ultraviolet light. ...?...?...Bakbiteres breke-cheste · brawleres and chideres
M.16.44KD.16.43Bakbiters .....brokkeM.16.44: M's altered reading brokke is unique among B manuscripts. Many other B manuscripts read breke, and R has brewe. cheste . brawlers and chiders .
Cr1.16.44KD.16.43 Backbyters breake the chest , brawlers & chiders
C.16.44KD.16.43 Bakbiters breke chestes · brawlers and chiders
R.16.43KD.16.43 Bagbiteres brewe-chesteR.16.43: R's brewe-cheste is
unique; F shows & boosteris &; beta copies diverge, with CrWHm
reading breke þe cheste while LCGOC2YB have breke-cheste(s). brauleres and chideres .
F.12.44KD.16.43Bakbyteris & boosteris / & blawrerisb[r]aw[l]eris & chyderys /