Readings for line KD.17.114α

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O mors ero mors tua . &cetera .R.17.103: This line appears only in alpha, and F alone continues the quotation with morsus tuus ero inferne. Alford, Piers Plowman: A Guide to the Quotations, notes that this O antiphon is "sung during Holy Week (e.g. Brev. 1:dcclxxxii, dccci), based on Osee 13:14 (Cf. 1 Cor. 15:55)" (107). Hereafter, alpha omits a dozen lines attested in beta witnesses between R17.103 and 104:
And þanne shal feith be forester here and in þis fritth walke
And kennen out comune men þat knoweth nouȝte þe contre
Which is þe weye þat ich went and wherforth to iherusalem
And hope þe hostelleres man shal be þere þe man lith an helynge
And alle þat fieble and faynt be þat faith may nouȝt teche
Hope shal lede hem forth with loue as his lettre telleth
And hostel hem and hele þorw holicherche bileue
Tyl I haue salue for alle syke and þanne shal I retourne
And come aȝein bi þis contree and confort alle syke
Þat craueth it or coueiteth it and cryeth þereafter
For þe barne was born in bethleem þat with his blode shal saue
Alle þat lyueth in faith and folweth his felawes techynge
O mors ero mors tua morsus tuus eie[ro] i[nferne]F.13.210: The scribe appears to have mistaken the abbreviation e. i. for the pronoun.F.13.210: The line appears only in alpha, and F alone continues the quotation with "morsus tuus ero inferne." Alford, Piers Plowman: A Guide to the Quotations, notes that this O antiphon is "sung during Holy Week (e.g. Brev. 1:dcclxxxii, dccci), based on Osee 13:14 (Cf. 1 Cor. 15:55)" (107).
Alpha omitted a dozen lines attested in beta witnesses between F13.210 and 211. Beta family manuscripts read:
And þanne shal Feiþ be forster here and in þis Fryth walke
And kennen outcomen men þat knowen noȝt þe contree
Which is þe wey þat I wente and wher forþ to Ierusalem
And Hope þe Hostilers man shal be þer þe man lith anhelyng
And alle þat feble and feynte be þat Feiþ may noȝt teche
Hope shal lede hem forþ with loue as his lettre telleþ
And hostele hem and heele þoruȝ holy chirche bileue
Til I haue salue for alle sike and þanne shal I returne
And come ayein bi þis contree and conforte alle sike
That craueþ it or coueiteþ it and crieþ þerafter
For þe barn was born in Bethleem þat with his blood shal saue
Alle þat lyuen in Feiþ and folwen his felawes techynge.